Ear Acupuncture | How to Use Ear Seeds and Ear Tacs
Auricular Therapy which is also known as ear acupuncture is a technique used to stimulate specific points on your ear to treat conditions that may produce symptoms anywhere in your body. The points may be efficiently stimulated by using needles, seeds, or press tacs.
Ear seeds and press tacs are used when you wish to stimulate points for an extended period. Similar to needling, ear seeds and press tacs promote healing, balances your qi, and increases your overall well-being and are used on the same points needles would be. The great thing about ear seeds is that you can stimulate them as recommended by Sunae at regular intervals or when you feel you need it.
If you have any questions, feel free to call Sunae (773.878.7330) at any time to discuss.
Below we will review some common questions that arise when using Ear seeds and press tacs as part of your treatment plan.
Ear Seeds:
Q: How do I use it?
Your licensed Chicago Acupuncturist, Sunae will Place your ear seeds on the precise points that will be effective for your condition. She may use the end of a tweezer or other instrument to locate the precise (usually tender) spot.
Q: How long can you keep them on?
Can be left on for up to 5 days, even when sleeping or showering. It may fall off by itself, depending on where it was placed. In some instances, skin irritation occurs if it does, simply remove them. Soap and water are usually enough; you can also use rubbing alcohol to remove any leftover adhesive as needed.
If irritation persists after removal, please call our office (773.878.7330) and let us know.
You can stimulate the seeds by lightly pressing and rubbing them being careful not to move their location.
Remove and dispose seeds a couple of hours before your appointment with Sunae to allow enough time for a break. Notify Sunae if any discomfort, irritation, or swelling occurs.
All seeds and tacs are single-use and sterile.
Press tacs:
Your licensed Chicago Acupuncturist, Sunae will place your press tacs on the precise points that will be effective for your condition. She may Use the end of a tweezer or other instrument to locate the precise (usually tender) spot.
Q: How long can you keep them on?
Can be left on for up to 3 days. If any discomfort arises, remove and contact Sunae. Check on them before you sleep by gently pressing on them. To remove, start from one corner of the tape and pull gently, as the tack will come off with the tape.
All seeds and tacs are single-use and sterile.
Please call our office with any questions. 773.878.7330