How Can Chiropractic Relieve Pain from Accidents and Injuries?

You get into a car accident. After dealing with the frustrating insurance claims, what’s usually the first thing, people look for (other than a good lawyer)? The search “auto accident chiropractor near me” is one of the most popular on Google. But why? 

The most common reason someone will see a chiropractor is to alleviate some sort of pain, particularly spine-related. This pain can be from a car accident, fall, or work-related trauma. Even sitting in a chair all day at a computer can trigger pain and injury.

How exactly does chiropractic help with pain and inflammation? Let’s take a look at what you can expect during your first chiropractic visit and how a chiropractic physician can help to alleviate or eliminate your pain.


The primary objective of chiropractic for acute care is to have the patient feeling better – meaning free of pain, soreness, tension, discomfort, etc. – as soon as possible.

Before any considerations of rehabilitation or prevention can be considered, the first issue that must be addressed is the symptoms of pain, whether from an accident, an injury, or a chronic condition.


In an initial chiropractic exam for treatment of acute pain, the chiropractor will draw up a complete health history with you, followed by a thorough examination.

The chiropractor may test your various reflexes, ask you to turn and bend, and perform a routine of other chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological testing. In some cases, these exams may include X-rays or other imaging as needed.

Once these steps have been taken, the chiropractor then reviews all the information compiled and reports his or her findings while answering any questions that you may have.


If you would like to begin treatment, the chiropractor may perform one or more adjustments or manipulations, often followed by making specific recommendations for care. Your program is customized to your particular needs and medical history.

Some patients find that all it takes is a single adjustment to start feeling relief from the pain of their condition. This relief, however, may only be temporary. Think of it like how a prescription medicine must be taken consistently for its benefits to be sustained.

There are also instances when it takes more than one visit to the chiropractor before the painful symptoms of a patient’s condition start to disappear. This is natural, normal, and common as there are usually several factors involved in the patient’s pain, with some of them being long-standing.


Even when speaking of pain caused by an accident or injury, different patients may experience different recovery times. All these other factors – like age, weight, other existing medical conditions, diet, fitness, lifestyle, mental and emotional health, stress – also come into play.

Severe and long-standing conditions can often be benefited by a series of appointments to get the body accustomed to the more balanced state and more able to maintain such a state on its own.


As a neurological event, pain can be exacerbated or eliminated by changes in the body’s neuromusculoskeletal system.


When the joints between two vertebrae of the spine are out of alignment, this places a great deal of pressure on them. These two vertebrae are used to having a cushion between them, not grinding against one another. This causes pain.

By manipulating and adjusting the spine so that those joints are back in place between the two vertebrae where they belong, chiropractic adjustments can alleviate the pressure of the two bones.


When the joints between two vertebrae are out of alignment, this may place pressure (“pinch”) on a nerve. This nerve irritation can cause a great deal of pain. Have you ever had a toothache? – That’s caused by an irritated nerve.

A chiropractic adjustment can take the pressure off the nerve by repositioning the vertebrae in their natural position – thus, pain can be significantly reduced or eliminated!


When an area is injured, the surrounding muscles will tense up to act as a splint to protect the injured area. These muscles don’t relax until the area is healed, so the surrounding muscles become sore. What’s more, the prolonged tension may pull other structures they attach to out of alignment as well.

When a chiropractor adjusts the affected area, the muscles can often relax because they don’t have to protect the area anymore. This can cause significant relief from pain.


Chiropractic therapy can be beneficial after a car accident for eliminating pain and inflammation. If you are trying to find care after your car accident, give us a call at 773-878-7330. We are here to help you get out of pain.

Our chiropractic physicians make chiropractic adjustments not just for the spine but for all the joints of the body, which means that there’s not a site of pain on the body that they cannot address.

After the pain is relieved, they would then discuss with you your options for rehabilitative care and the use of other treatment modalities such as massage, physical therapy, and/or acupuncture as needed to restore your body to a condition where the pain does not recur.


Pain lasting more than a week is NOT normal and NOT good.

When scheduling your appointment, please mention that you are in pain to see you as soon as possible.

Get help for your pain TODAY. We accommodate same-day emergency appointments Monday through Saturday.