Prevention & Wellness
Chiropractic for Preventative/Wellness Care
From its very beginnings, chiropractic has been concerned with improving people’s quality of life by helping strive towards optimum wellness.
Wellness care or preventative care (also written as preventive care) is designed to promote health based on the whole person’s optimal functioning and thereby minimize the future occurrences of impairment or illness.
Whereas rehabilitative chiropractic care is necessary to help the patient maintain the benefits acquired through chiropractic treatments for alleviating acute and chronic conditions and preventing relapses, preventative chiropractic care or maintenance care is designed to help an already healthy and problem-free patient maintain an optimally healthy state whilst helping to prevent any acute or chronic problem from appearing at all.
Chiropractic maintenance care is a health management plan that incorporates recurrent chiropractic adjustments and counseling with more healthful everyday life practices in order to:
• promote wellness
• prevent illness and disease
• reduce incidents of injuries and associated pain
• prolong life
• enhance quality of life
More than merely performing chiropractic adjustments, a chiropractor providing a patient with preventative care will also counsel those patients on the most appropriate and effective activities, behaviors, and other measures the patient may take in meeting their goal of total health and wellness, free of pain, illness, and disease.
Each patient is given their own specific program designed around their specific needs, resources, abilities, and limitations in order to meet those above-stated objectives and provide for that individual’s optimum health and overall well-being.
A prime example of chiropractic preventive care in action is the early detection and resultant correction of any neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disorders that may be risk factors in the onset of various health problems, symptoms, and (in the worst of cases) possibly even disability.
This is why a chiropractor will often recommend ongoing, recurring visits to his or her office even after an acute problem is resolved and the patient properly rehabilitated. It’s through periodic visitations like these that can help one catch small concerns before they become big ones.
A typical reason an already-healthy and fit patient might give for seeing a chiropractor for preventative care is simply so they can continue looking and feeling their absolute best. As an added benefit (and one not to be overlooked) such diligence and devotion to chiropractic maintenance care can save the patient inordinate time and money by staving off indefinitely (possibly permanently) any potentially painful, debilitating, and costly medical conditions.
Whereas acute and rehabilitative chiropractic care involve the restoration of health and wellness where pain, illness, or disease are present, chiropractic wellness care involves the establishing of healthy lifestyle habits (not least of which are regular visits to your chiropractor) that together promote total wellness on a mental and emotional level as well as a physical one.
Chiropractic preventative care relies on an assortment of methods ranging periodic reevaluation to education on issues of diet and nutrition, fitness and exercise, the mechanics of spinal health, body postures, stress reduction, training in coordination, safety protocols, and modification of lifestyle patterns and personal habits.
The credo of chiropractic preventative care is to not wait until there’s already a problem, such as pain in the spine, before taking action. But rather to subvert the possibility of such a problem occurring by acting now to establish the most complete state of health and wellness possible.